Ambitious EuroMed

A stronger bridge between the Nordics and Southern Med

One of MDI pilar is Ambitious EuroMed. It was born out of the realization that the Nordic core strengths of Education, Entrepreneurship and Entertainment could be harnessed for increasing global wellbeing and happiness. 

A part of Europe’s future is at stake in Southern Med countries, the Nordics are proposing the basis for a new strategy with them. The objective is to intensify cooperation through partnerships in three key areas: Education, Entrepreneurship and Entertainment, with digital transformation and sustainable growth as cross-cutting issues. Based on this Ambitious EuroMed Initiative, the Nordics will engage discussions with Southern Med partners to better understand the challenges faced by the continent, their priorities and to bring pragmatic and disruptive solutions, with the support of Nordic authorities and the European Commission.

Ambitious EuroMed is all about young people. Young people leading the change. Young people working together for a better future.  With the support of the African key players and the Nordics.

The Tunisia National Day, Ambitious Tunisia, is scheduled for April 30th. It is coordinated with the Mediterranean Development Initiative and its Youth platform, in cooperation with CONECT, the employer’s federation focusing on sustainable development.

Tunisia National Day is about harnessing the Nordic core strengths of Education, Entrepreneurship, and Entertainment in strong collaboration with different African countries, increasing global wellbeing, and happiness.

With the proposed key topics, built around our shared interests and values, Southern Med and Europe will together lead on the green and digital transformation, as well as promote sustainable investment and jobs. Our key priority is to ensure that the Strategy with Southern Med is owned by the youth, as it responds to their aspirations.

Today’s Strategy with the Nordics for Southern Med is the roadmap to move forward and bring our partnership to the next level. Southern Med/Africa is the European Union’s natural partner and neighbor. Together we can build a more prosperous, more peaceful and more sustainable future for all” said MDI President, Ghazi Ben Ahmed. On his side, Peter Vesterbacka, said: “To face our common challenges, we need a stronger partnership and Southern Med needs to diversify its partners within Europe. There is everything to gain from reinforcing our already very strong partnership in areas such as peace and stability, poverty and inequalities, terrorism and extremism. Both our continents need each other to strengthen themselves, to strengthen each other, and to achieve a common ambition: a better world based on a rules-based international order.”

Among the possible actions that this Initiative can bring:

  1. Boost the continent’s digital transformation
  2. Promote investment opportunities for young entrepreneurs
  3. Promote trade relations and create a new entrepreneurial community in Southern Med countries in the spirit of Slush. As part of this Initiative, new separate projects are expected to emerge
  4. Attract investors by supporting Southern Med states in adopting policies and regulatory reforms that improve the business environment and investment climate
  5. Rapidly enhance learning, knowledge and skills, research and innovation capacities, particularly for youth
  6. Integrating gender equality in action and cooperation
  7. Secure resilience following the coronavirus crisis especially in health, agriculture and food sector
  8. Boost partnerships between universities and enhance mobility