"We will either find a way or make one."
- Hannibal Barca

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On this World Africa Day, let’s celebrate our continent and its unmatched growth potential! Rich in natural resources, endowed with exceptional biodiversity, and energized by a dynamic youth ...

In his speech on April 25th about the European project, French President Emmanuel Macron called for a strategic leap to prevent the decline of Europe. According to Ghazi Ben Ahmed ...

Who we are

MDI is a non-political, non-profit organization (NGO) born in Tunisia after the revolution. We are based in Tunis and Brussels. Our main mission is to contribute to the policy making process through our independent in-depth analysis on regional integration, international/regional trade, mobility, and finance with a focus on green transition and digital transformation.

Our Work


During our first conference in Brussels, we gave the floor to Salam Kawakibi, the director of the Arab Center for Research and Political Studies in Paris (CAREP). Salam, who is of Syrian nationality, spoke extensively about the alarming situation in Syria and its people through a poignant narrative.

Taking stock of the Arab Spring as a whole, since its inception in 2011, doesn’t really make sense, given the contrasting situations in the Mashriq and the Maghreb. Just a few months ago, the relative success of the transition in Tunisia and the ongoing tragedy in Syria were demonstrations of this. However, it is important not to make a simplistic judgment about the failure of the Arab Spring.

The driving forces behind the Arab revolutions have not disappeared, despite the disappointments, as they are deeply rooted in societies. Even though they have not resulted in stable political solutions, these movements led by younger generations will ultimately mark the gradual end of the authoritarian monolithic model in its various religious, civilian, or military versions. The movement towards more democracy, rule of law, pluralism, combating corruption, and moving away from rent-based economies is inevitable, but will take time to materialize.