Conflicts between Italians and Europeans over the memorandum linking European Union and Tunisia

Debates are tense in the European Parliament over the Tunisia-European Union memorandum.

Italy was criticised for acting under the guise of “Team Europe” without consulting either the European Parliament or the Member States, including Germany and twelve other countries.

Listening to the debate, and in particular Commissioner Johansson’s responses, we learn that the 150 million euros for the migrant component will be channelled through UN agencies, in particular the IOM. This money will therefore not go into the state budget.

The memorandum will have to be approved by the Member States at the European Council.

The parliamentarians felt that “Team Europe” is not an official entity and should not be represented by two far-right member states, namely Italy and the Netherlands.

The latter is represented by a prime minister who has resigned and is therefore not qualified for this type of mission.

The High Representative for External Services, Joseph Borrell, is completely absent, as is the Spanish Presidency.

The MEPs will be consulting their legal service to assess the memorandum and try to block it.

Finally, the vast majority of MEPs denounced the deportation and abuse of sub-Saharan migrants.

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