MDI’s participation in a Delphi Forum conference on the theme of “Asylum and migration”.

“EU Pact on Migration and Asylum: Last chance or lost opportunity?”

Accompanied by Sofía Voúltepsi (Deputy Minister for Migration and Asylum, Hellenic Republic) and Esther Pozo Vera (Head of Unit for Asylum, DG Home Affairs, European Commission), the Mediterranean Development Initiative, through its President and founder Ghazi Ben Ahmed, took part in a conference organised by the Delphi Economic Forum at the Sofitel Brussels Europe to discuss the challenges of the migration pact from the other side of the Mediterranean.

Negotiations between EU Institutions on a comprehensive reform of the EU Asylum and Migration legislation have been ongoing for years, bringing uncertainty especially to countries on the EU’s border. Can the EU muster the will to close this important chapter of EU legislation before the next European elections?

‎It is not in the best interest of ⁦‪Tunisia‬⁩ to have a short term ⁦‪#Meloni‬⁩ fix, we will rather need a long term comprehensive deal with the ⁦‪EU‬⁩, one that involves illegal and legal ⁦‪#migration‬⁩, education, competences, mobility … ⁧

Meloni’s policies on migration, based on the flawed notion of “stopping human trafficking” with the help of ruthless dictators, is doomed.

By endorsing him so publicly and emphasizing migration concerns over all others, EU leaders signaled that they are willing to overlook Tunisia President’s racist statements and mistreatment of sub-Saharan Africans living in or passing through Tunisia.