Mobility in the Mediterranean : Refocusing EuroMed relations on work, vocational training and mobility

With the flood of migrants from Tunisia, Libya and Africa, repressive solutions alone will not suffice!

So, in addition to the fight against smugglers, one option would be for the EU to support the creation of talent pools located in the southern Mediterranean countries. These training centres would meet the needs of the North and South via a system of public calls.

Candidates responding to these calls and meeting the required qualifications should, under certain conditions, be eligible for work visas allowing them to seek employment in the EU for a short renewable period.

There are many political and economic arguments in favour of temporary mobility rather than permanent migration, including lower brain drain losses and the temporary nature of the demographic boom of young workers entering the labour market.

Finally, we present a dossier written by Ghazi Ben Ahmed entitled “Mobility in the Mediterranean. Refocusing EuroMed relations on work, vocational training and mobility” published by the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies Global Governance Programme. This article will familiarise you with the MDI’s vision of North-South migration.

Photo credit : Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies

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